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Tag: Tournament
The Green Water Blues
Tournament Strategies: Single vs Multi Day Events
Tournament Strategies: Pre-Fishing
When Things Go Right
Win on Wildwood – Angling Sports Pike Tourney 2015
Forest City Bassmasters

A new Bassmaster chapter is starting in London, Ontario, Canada – Forest City Bassmasters. Club activities will include hosting a number of fishing tournaments, guest speakers and events, and conservation activities. Their focus is on fun, friendship, learning and friendly competition. Fishing tournaments will focus on bass when in season…
Lessons from Last Place: My First Pro-Fishing Tournament Experience
Sagomok Fall Walleye Classic – Pre-Tournament Exploration

We spent a day exploring the Spanish River near Massey, Ontario in preparation for the Sagomok Fall Walleye Classic Tournament happening in late September. Although early July conditions are unlikely to be similar to late September, a day familiarizing ourselves with the general river makeup was certainly helpful. It is…