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Tag: Lake Science
The Green Water Blues
Web Resources: Fish ON-Line and Great Lakes Web Cams
Paradise Lost – Plastic on the Beach

Nine years ago, while visiting the Hawaiian island of Kauai, my wife, Western University Earth Sciences Professor Patricia Corcoran, and I noticed an abundance of plastic debris on some of the beaches we visited. In particular, the beaches on the east side of the island contained plastic debris ranging in…
Secchi Disk / Water Clarity Measurements
Lake Turnover and Stratification
Dissolved Oxygen Content in Water vs. Temperature
Lake Classification by Mixing
Color Loss Underwater
Lake Partners Program

I recently came across the results from an interesting volunteer program called the Lake Partners Program, sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment for Ontario. This program engages volunteers to measure Secchi Depth (water transparency) and total phosphorus (TP) in lakes and rivers across the province. The results are tabulated…